Presentation: Tweet"Choosing the right technology isn't enough"
It's about the people, stupid
Tuesday 13:20 - 14:10
2nd Floor Balcony, Musikhuset
In the never ending struggle to reach higher on productivity, quality and predictability during development choosing the right technology, tools and methods are important parts of the equation. This is, however, not enough. These might actually not even be the most important parts of the equation. In the end, it all comes down to who uses the technology and how you put it to good use. For a company the issue is about choosing the people and for the developer about being the right person. At Klarna we use Erlang/otp as one of our major technology choices, but to be productive and successful, we also need to get the right developers to join us.
Messages of the talk/lessons learned
Choosing the right people might actually be more important than choosing the right technology, methods and processes. Quality and productivity, especially in the long run, is about mindset, not technology. Problems encountered when a succesful business grows and how to solve them by selecting the right people. Problems of selecting the right people.
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Messages of the talk/lessons learned
Choosing the right people might actually be more important than choosing the right technology, methods and processes. Quality and productivity, especially in the long run, is about mindset, not technology. Problems encountered when a succesful business grows and how to solve them by selecting the right people. Problems of selecting the right people.